#Iranian Wrestling
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Motahar Mazaheri
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happypuppypuppy · 2 months
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🇮🇷 Look at the monster dorsal muscles of Mohammadhadi Saravi (credits to gold_medal)
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menonlywrestling · 5 months
UK - Various small towns Pro wrestling events. Part 1
Local pro wrestlers show up to face off against each other, or visiting wrestlers from neighbouring towns, during the towns yearly celebrations.
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Young local tag team about to get jumped from behind by the older Heels.
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British-Iranian brothers tag team pose before their match.
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Tag Teams pose before their match.
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Singles wrestlers pose before their matches.
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deadpresidents · 29 days
Hi! I'm a longtime reader and am trying to find something you posted years ago about Saddam and Dubya and the real "cause" of the iraq war to show my friend. Are you able to help me find the link to it? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sticking around for all these years!
I'm guessing this is the post you were talking about. It's one of those posts that gets requested every couple of years:
Anonymous asked: Why did Bush start the Iraq War?
It all started in the spring of 1986 when George W. Bush was sent to Iraq as a secret emissary on behalf of the Reagan Administration.  Despite his lack of experience in…well…anything, President Reagan sent Bush because Bush’s father, Vice President George H.W. Bush, said he could be trusted.
The Iran-Iraq War was at a stalemate and the younger Bush went to Iraq in order to offer assistance to the Iraqis in their cause.  The United States had a vested interest in the deposition of Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and senior aides in the Reagan Administration, as well as top American intelligence officials, believed that strengthening Iraq would lead to an Iranian defeat and that an Iranian defeat would result in the end of Iran’s Islamic Revolution.  That would bring about the fall of Ayatollah Khomeini.
George W. Bush, just 39 years old at the time, arrived in Baghdad in secret and was whisked away by helicopter to one of Saddam Hussein’s palaces, on the Euphrates River in Najaf.  It was there that the eventual adversaries would first meet, but at the time, they really enjoyed each other’s company.  For hours, they joked, watched local performers, spoke to one another about their hopes and dreams, and then gathered for dinner.
During that dinner, the seeds were planted for a conflict that later would cost thousands of American and Iraqi lives.  Saddam and Bush feasted on quail that Saddam claimed he had personally hunted earlier that day.  Bush, remembering his diplomatic initiative, asked Saddam what the United States and President Reagan could do to help Iraq defeat the Iranians and topple Ayatollah Khomeini.  Saddam laid out what he would need, and Bush assured the Iraqi leader that his requests would be no problem and that he was glad that they could come to an agreement.
Unfortunately, both men began drinking during the dinner, and both men became boisterous.  Good-natured joking was transforming into sharp jabs and then downright hostility.  Saddam and Bush were joined by a very small group of people, and the entire room went silent as the Iraqi dictator and the future American President started boasting about their manhood and making challenges to the other man.
Saddam found himself in an unusual position as Bush would not defer to him in these challenges.  When Saddam dropped and did 50 push-ups, Bush did the same.  When Saddam swam across the Euphrates and back, Bush did, as well.  They had a foot race around the palace with no clear winner.  Arm-wrestling settled nothing.  They competed to see who could kick a soccer ball the furthest and, again, there was no distinction between the two.  Saddam skipped a rock across the river six times, and so did Bush. 
Saddam was getting more-and-more frustrated by his inability to best George W. Bush in feats of strength, athletic contests, or the board game “Sorry!”.  If an Iraqi had met all of Saddam’s challenges as Bush had without deferring to the Iraqi dictator, Saddam would have had his son Uday torture the man.  Of course, he couldn’t do that with the son of the Vice President of the United States, especially since he had been sent as a special emissary by President Reagan.
Suddenly, an idea brightened Saddam’s countenance.  He summoned an aide and whispered something in the man’s ear.  Five minutes later, Saddam’s aide walked in with a large boombox and an Iraqi soldier brought in several pieces of cardboard.
Saddam stood up, loosened his tie, removed his military-style beret, and rolled up his sleeves.  Staring at George W. Bush with fire in his eyes, the Iraqi dictator growled, “Let’s see your B-boy stance, Texas.”
Bush quickly stood up, ready for the challenge, removed his jacket, and rolled up his shirtsleeves, as well.  Removing his shoes, Bush gestured to Saddam, “It’s your country…for now…so, why don’t you go first?”.
Although he was fuming and visibly shaken by Bush’s confidence, Saddam closed his eyes, took three deep breaths, and pointed at the Iraqi near the boombox.  Immediately, Run-D.M.C.’s self-titled album began playing and – there’s really no other way to put this: Saddam Hussein got the fuck down.  The Iraqi dictator was popping, locking, busting out power moves and pulling up with world-class freezes.
Bush was obviously overmatched.  The confidence was gone.  The liquid courage from the night’s alcohol was abandoning him.  As “Rock Box” played, Bush discovered that he couldn’t match Saddam Hussein in everything.  Had it ended there, with Saddam smiling and shaking hands with the future President after Bush graciously admitted defeat, perhaps the world would be different today.
Saddam, however, had been humiliated earlier in the night.  Instead of smiling and shaking Bush’s hand, he pointed once again to the boombox.  Saddam stared hard at Bush, did the Crip Walk and then transformed that into a Moonwalk.  Saddam Moonwalked right out of the room, continuing to stare Bush directly in the eyes, and saying, as he reached the doorway, “Show yourself out, motherfucker.”
When George W. Bush returned to the United States, he immediately gave up drinking alcohol and focused himself on his life and future.  He swore to himself that he would one day gain revenge against Saddam Hussein’s disrespectful showing during their b-boy battle in Iraq.  Everything Bush did from 1986 on was done with the single purpose of destroying Saddam Hussein.  Owner of a baseball team, Governor of Teas, President of the United States – none of these things meant much if Saddam Hussein was still gloating about his victory.
People talk about the oil or the revenge for slights against George W. Bush’s father or a search for weapons of mass destruction, but you now know the truth.  George W. Bush went to war in Iraq because Saddam Hussein ambushed and embarrassed him during their breakdancing battle in 1986.  There was never blood for oil; the blood was for breakdancing.
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anniekoh · 8 months
my mother tape-records my laugh to mail bubblewrapped back home my mother records me singing Ye shabe mahtab mah miad to khab I am singing the moon will come one night and take me away side street by side street sitting on a pilled suburban carpet or picking blue felt off the hand-me-down couch the displaced whatnots I practice the work of worms how much I can wear away with no one watching two generations ago my blood moved through borders according to grazing seasons then a lifeline of planes planes fly so close to my head filled with bomblets and disappeared men scaffolding sprouts nooses sagging with my dead I burn my finger on the broiler and smell trenches
Drone, by Solmaz Sharif, in the poetry collection Look. First published in Blackbird.
Her first poetry collection, Look
In her 2016 debut collection, Look, Sharif—who was born in Istanbul to Iranian parents and grew up in the United States—refused American civil rituals of polite consensus and exposed the ways state violence takes place in and through language. Reappropriating terms from the Department of Defense’s Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, where ordinary English is redefined in service of statecraft, Sharif mapped empire’s brutal trespasses. These words appear in the poems in capital letters, simultaneously disrupting and constructing scenes—often intimate and domestic. In the title poem, for example, the DoD’s definition of “look” (“a period during which a mine circuit is receptive of an influence”) jostles the ordinary one: “Let me LOOK at you. // Let me LOOK at you in a light that takes years to get here.” As the eerie convergence between the militarized and the quotidian agitates the language, any pretense of neutral description falls away. Reading these poems, it is impossible to sustain the fiction of a relationship—including a readership—wholly bracketed from the world empire has made. 
Solmaz Sharif wrestles with the ways that acclaim can become an imperial enclosure; I once heard her say, “I try to write poems that make it impossible to applaud afterward.” Reaching toward forms of relation that are not fully apprehensible from life in the metropole, her work rejects the embrace of any we for whom sharing is an uncomplicated act.
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whitney7up · 22 days
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Here's a couple of facts about Vernie Haystacks and Kamini Bahl.
Vernie Haystacks 🦄🐴:
. He's African-Scottish (On His Father's Side, Half Unicorn) and Iranian-American (On His Mother's Side, Half Donkey)
. Other than speaking English, he also speaks in fluent Persian, Hindi (A Little Bit), and Scottish (A Little Bit)
. He loves making ice sculptures (Sometimes), listening to classical music, reading superhero comics, watching farming shows, and making arts and crafts (Sometimes)
. When he was a child, he used to play himself as a superhero 🦸‍♂️
. His first job was working in the movie theatre from 16 to 19 years old
. Is good at playing the fiddle, violin, accordion (Sometimes), and trumpet (Sometimes)
His 2nd favorite food is tomato soup, favorite drink is banana milk, and his favorite desserts is vanilla ice cream, and lemon cake
. Other than Purple 💜, his other favorite colors are, Lime Green, Yellow Orange, White, Orange, and Lavender
Kamini Bahl 🐦:
. She has 4 younger brothers, and is the oldest sibling, including being the only girl in her family
. Has started wearing glasses since 2 years old
. She loves reading romance novels (Her Secret), going to the aquarium, watching comedy movies and shows, sewing, and arm wrestling
. When she was a child, she used to play herself as a princess 👸
. Her first job at 14 years old was babysitting various children around her neighborhood (It only lasted her 5 Months in total)
. Is good at playing the sitar (Sometimes), drums, and bagpipes
. Her 2nd favorite food is vegan pasta, favorite drink is strawberry smoothie, and favorite desserts is imartis and eggless peanut butter cookies
. Other than Black 🖤, her other favorite colors are, Magenta, Grey, Silver, Pink, and Beige
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higienist · 4 months
The Iranian 97-kg guy at the wrestling camp of the national GR team, May 8-30
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needlesandnilbogs · 3 months
Known Facts About City Spies Book 6 and Beyond
collated at the Avid Reader bookstore event/signing in Davis, CA, on 6/23/24
On future books:
City Spies book 6 is finished and in the proofreading stage. It will probably be released in February 2025, he's allowed to share the title and cover as of this week.
City Spies 6 is called "London Calling" and the cover (which I briefly saw on his phone screen) is predominantly yellow and green
Robert is the protagonist and the Mother/Clementine/Robert/Annie larger plot will be completely resolved in book 6
There will be at least 8 total city spies books, likely 10
Sherlock society 1 is coming out in September
He's going to be on a two book a year release schedule -- February city spies and September Sherlock society
On research/past books/writing
he writes the first draft then goes to the places to research them
he talks to a lot of experts -- for city spies this includes a bookseller's husband who's ex-cia and planned the mission in forbidden city for him, for Sherlock society he got to go on a Miami marine patrol police boat
the city spies books work best with three cities they go to, boat being hostage in the first paragraph of golden gate is based on kid saying plot took ages to get to Big Thing in book 1 so now every book starts with a big thing happening. The middle city is the city of adventure and city alluded to in the title.
He did not get to physically go to Russia or China or Egypt but he did go to Venice after first draft of mission manhattan, went to every location in the book, then used pictures he took there
Washington he got a friend to show him the abandoned spots very unsafely, including embassy row and the empty Iranian embassy which fascinated him
He walked around Iranian embassy and the United Kingdom and Brazil embassies are actually across from it, the security didn't like him taking those pictures as much but it inspired him
If he could choose one song that best represents mission manhattan/city spies: We are family
when he writes a series he's trying to answer a single question and the books are all different variants on the answer. For city spies it's "what is a family"
he puts his life into the books, especially with a parent being missing and trying to find that connection
Middle grade advice: Write from the pain of when you're thirteen
"As a consumer of art we still believe in magic, but there is no magic […] we're faking the magic, it's just sweat. You forget what they're doing is sweat too."
he and his writing friends all feel like imposters. He talks to ppl who've won newberries and still feel like imposters and then they finally have little clicks that say maybe they can do this, like when his publisher said maybe he didn't need blurbs on his books anymore
Research is for accuracy and he hates being wrong and sometimes he hand waves but it gives him inspiration
real life is better than fiction
On Clementine, Mother, their kids:
book 6 resolves all the issues with clemmie and mother and the kids but not all the series's problems
"In the end as I wrote Clementine I wasn't sure how she was going to end up," he "wrestled writing her every time"
"Clementine is a puzzle" kat says, based on a thing a fan said
Good or bad, accidental or not, Clementine is the most interesting character bc you don't know what side she's on
On public libraries and independent bookstores:
About the nypl: "it's the most fascinating thing to me, this library. It's the Vatican of American books."
There aren't easy answers to the problem of cutting funding for libraries, there's a reason independent bookstores and libraries are valuable and it's bc this type of event matters and they have so many services
"Public libraries are one of the greatest things, as far as altruism, our society has ever created"
When it becomes an issue of books being banned it's not good, it's not okay
These are important issues and it's not simple but access to books written by "not just middle aged white guys like me" is really important
what gets lost is book recs and new authors
"the power we have in the exchange of ideas is valuable"
it's stuff that's been sitting there for a while and failed miserably and then gets popular, libraries and independent bookstores are part of that
TikTok is the single largest driving force in youth literature and it may not exist in a year
On the potential City Spies movie:
MGM studios bought the right to city spies film series before they were bought by Amazon
This happened because there's a Guatemalan woman who's the head of development at mgm, and she has twelve year old twin brothers who are reading city spies, she hears the story and says that sounds like a movie, reads the first page and is hooked, reached out and acquired the rights and then he heard nothing for ages
Amazon bought mgm and he thought it was done but they liked city spies, they hired a producer and then writers strike blocked any development but they now have a writer
He's staying out of the writing process, his background in film is making a lot of connections but also means he knows to stay out of it (though if he's asked he'd be enthusiastic to help)
he gets on set one day and gets two tickets to premiere
Movie in theaters not tv show
doesn't really believe it will happen yet because spy school was gonna be a movie then it wasn't
"I would wait to start worrying about following it till later", he doesn't talk about it really even to friends
MGM made an announcement to variety and so everyone found out
He and his wife hope it will happen (cause it's cutting down time till she can retire), she's his health insurance and it's why it seems a lot of writers end up married to teachers and have insurance through them
tagging @fishyupmywishy also
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bellamonde · 2 years
Source: @tavaana
Navid Afkari was a 27 year old Iranian wrestler who was sentenced to death and executed in Shiraz for participating in the 2018 Iranian protests. He was accused and convicted of “murdering” a security guard but his confession was obtained under torture. This innocent young man was killed for demanding basic human rights. There was a worldwide call fro his pardon, including by the International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach. Afkari’s brothers, Vahid and Habib, were sentenced to 54 and 27 years, respectively, in prison in the same case. Yesterday, his sister and his 3 year old niece were also arrested.  
This audio is the last recorded statement from jail. It’s heart breaking. He was absolutely right: “Your silence is support for injustice and the people who do it. It is support for the execution of an innocent person.” DO NOT STAY SILENT. 14,000 Iranians in jail are potentially facing execution. Spread the wrod! 
Hello to the honorable people of Iran. I am Navid Afkari. Our final shot at the people who carry out the laws of the Islamic Republic has had no effect. They rejected our request for a retrial. From now on, my family and I need help. I’m not just talking about Iran. I’m talking to every person who calls themselves human and has even a bit of honor in them. Your silence is support for injustice and the people who do it. It is support for the execution of an innocent person. It is support for my march to the gallows. I’ve heard it said an innocent person might be led to the base of the gallows, but ultimately won’t be hanged. This is a lie. We’re seeing now it’s all been lies. By the order of the judicial system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, an innocent man named Navid Afkari is drawing every second closer to a noose. If they silence him, if he’s left all by himself, they’ll take his life away, and no one will care. I want every freedom-minded person who demand what’s right, whatever their views and ideology, to be the voice of me and my family. We’ve put together all the evidence: we’ve done this so that if I am executed, everyone will know that, in the 21st century, despite all the mechanisms and costs in terms of human rights, the United Nations, the Security Council, and so on, an innocent person was executed despite the fact he fought as hard as he could. I want the whole world to know that ever since I was a kid, I wanted to win wrestling medals to make my mom happy. What should I do, now that it’s not happened, fate has brought all the sweat I put into wrestling to nothing, and my mom is crying? But today I’m happy, because the wheel of fate has turned again and I’ve learned the true values of humanity from you incomparable people.
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infj-zen · 11 months
Without a Crown : MBTI trials and tribulations of modern princes, N type edition
How do princes of different MBTI types live in the modern world?
Here are some case studies to lend an insight into what life might have been like if only one had been born (or married) into royal circumstances.
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INFJ Crown Prince of Greece but for a coup d'état. Still visits for stunning family vacay pics. Born rich, married rich[er?] so investment portfolio manager in New York and London. Zorba dances probably to avoid small talk at parties. #zorba #diversifyyourportfolio #alsodanish
ENFJ AKA Mr. Princess Eugenie. Married in to British Royal Family. Manager and marketer of all sorts of businesses yet keeps a low-profile. Could secretly be managing the whole Firm. #self-made #firmglue
INFP Not in charge of Jordan; doesn't want to be in charge of Jordan. Somehow got put in charge of Security and Crisis Management?!? Trying to get out of that. Does want to run football / weed out corruption in sport / promote tolerance, peace, feminism through sport. Secretly full of oddball talents: wrestles, speaks Circassian, etc. #feminist #justfootball #notstagingacoup
ENFP Crown Prince of Iran. Born in Tehran, exiled to America. Majored in Poli Sci. Believes in Democracy. But "subjects" want him as temp. Monarch to help ditch current Theocracy that overthew Dad. Foremost freedom spokesperson for Iranians worldwide. #involuntarywalkingcontradiction #betweenarockandiraq #monarchyandordemocracy
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INTJ Spare in line for [former] Iraqi throne, so works real job as Health and Development Policy Professional with World Bank. Publishes truckload of academic papers. Graduated Harvard with Ph.D. in International Health Policy and Economics. #smartprince
ENTJ No intelligent life in Saudi politics? No problem. Many, many bros. Joined Air Force. Beamed self up to space. #astronaut #fighterpilot
INTP Supposed to inherit Iraq but nothing left to inherit, so diplomat for cousin in Jordan. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Moonlights as Law Prof at UPenn. #humanrights
ENTP Throwback existential / constitutional crisis. Got Crown. Married divorcee. Quit England for France. Questionable political views. #abdication
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Motahar Mazaheri
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happypuppypuppy · 4 months
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🇮🇷 Hey, you! Have you seen how great I fucked this guy? That's what I'm gonna do to you! Get that ass ready! (credits to aref._.wrestling) Soleimian (back) vs Alizadeh.
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menonlywrestling · 9 months
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The top regional Heavyweight Tag Team Champions in Iran during the 1980s.
The team at the bottom held the All Iran Heavyweight Tag Belts from 1985 until their defeat in 1990. The longest any team has held them. Competition is fierce. The Iranians take their Pro Wrestling VERY seriously.
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The Global Impact of Wrestling: Profiles of Elite Wrestlers
Wrestling, a sport deeply rooted in history, transcends borders and brings together athletes from different cultures and backgrounds. Wrestlers often embody their country's fighting spirit while mastering techniques that reflect both ancient traditions and modern-day athleticism. In this article, we will explore the unique stories and accomplishments of five elite wrestlers: Hassan Rahimi from Iran, Haji Aliyev from Azerbaijan, Yang Kyong-il from North Korea, Shinichi Yumoto from Japan, and Tobechukwu Joseph Udeh from Nigeria.
Hassan Rahimi – The Pride of Iran
Hassan Rahimi is one of Iran's most distinguished freestyle wrestlers. Known for his incredible agility and tactical approach, Rahimi has claimed numerous medals on the world stage. His success at the World Wrestling Championships, where he won gold in 2013, solidified his place as one of Iran's top athletes. Rahimi is a symbol of perseverance, a quality that’s reflected in his ability to continuously adapt to his opponents and push the boundaries of the sport.
Iran has a rich tradition of wrestling, with the sport deeply intertwined with national identity and cultural pride. Rahimi’s victories are celebrated as much for his technical skill as for his embodiment of Iran’s wrestling heritage. His impact goes beyond competition; Rahimi has inspired a new generation of wrestlers who look up to his dedication and contribution to Iranian wrestling.
Haji Aliyev – Azerbaijan's Wrestling Sensation
Hailing from Azerbaijan, Haji Aliyev is a wrestling sensation with a track record that speaks volumes about his talent. Aliyev competes in freestyle wrestling and has made a name for himself with his aggressive and relentless style. He is a three-time World Champion, having won gold medals in 2014, 2015, and 2017. His ability to adapt and dominate his opponents makes him one of the most feared competitors on the mat.
Azerbaijan has a growing reputation in wrestling, and Aliyev is at the forefront of that movement. He represents the country's passion for the sport and its commitment to excellence. Aliyev’s technique, quick reflexes, and strategic mindset have earned him a place among the best in the world, and he continues to set the bar higher for future athletes in his country.
Yang Kyong-il – North Korea’s Silent Power
Yang Kyong-il is a highly decorated wrestler from North Korea, known for his exceptional strength and technique. Competing in Greco-Roman wrestling, Yang has won multiple world titles, including gold at the World Wrestling Championships in 2009 and 2013. What sets Yang apart is his ability to maintain a strong defense while waiting for the perfect moment to strike, making him a strategic mastermind on the mat.
Wrestling in North Korea has traditionally been a sport where athletes are trained in strict, regimented environments. Despite the country's relative isolation in the international sports community, Yang Kyong-il has managed to break through and leave his mark on the global wrestling stage. His success serves as a testament to his personal determination and the disciplined training environment from which he emerged.
Shinichi Yumoto – Japan’s Wrestling Innovator
Shinichi Yumoto from Japan is a celebrated figure in freestyle wrestling. He gained international fame after winning a bronze medal in the 2012 London Olympics, showcasing Japan's strength in the sport. Yumoto is known for his dynamic movement and precise techniques, which have made him a formidable competitor.
Japanese wrestling is built on a foundation of discipline, precision, and respect for the sport. Yumoto’s achievements have helped bolster Japan’s standing in the wrestling world, inspiring many young athletes to pursue the sport. His ability to stay composed under pressure and his innovative approach to matches make him a standout wrestler, admired both in Japan and internationally.
Tobechukwu Joseph Udeh – Nigeria’s Rising Wrestling Star
Tobechukwu Joseph Udeh represents Nigeria, a country not traditionally known for its wrestling prowess, but one that is quickly making its mark thanks to athletes like Udeh. Competing in freestyle wrestling, Udeh brings raw strength and determination to every match. While still climbing the ranks of the international scene, his potential is undeniable, and he has quickly become a symbol of hope for Nigerian wrestling.
Nigeria’s sports culture is diverse, but wrestling is gaining momentum, particularly with athletes like Udeh leading the charge. Udeh’s drive and passion for the sport, combined with his athletic talent, position him as a future force to be reckoned with in the global wrestling arena. His rise signals a broader trend of African nations stepping onto the world stage in sports historically dominated by other regions.
These five wrestlers – Hassan Rahimi, Haji Aliyev, Yang Kyong-il, Shinichi Yumoto, and Tobechukwu Joseph Udeh – each bring unique qualities to the sport of wrestling, from technical mastery to raw power. While they come from different parts of the world, they share a common dedication to their craft and a desire to push their limits. As they continue to inspire future generations, their legacies in the wrestling world are sure to endure, transcending borders and leaving a lasting impact on the sport.
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massispost · 2 months
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New Post has been published on https://massispost.com/2024/08/olympics-wrestling-malkhas-amoyan-wins-bronze-medal/
Olympics Wrestling: Malkhas Amoyan Wins Bronze Medal
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PARIS — Greco-Roman wrestler, world champion, three-time European champion, 77 kg weight Malkhas Amoyan won a bronze medal at the Olympic Games held in Paris. In a decisive match, Amoyan competed with Aram Vardanyan, an Armenian wrestler representing Uzbekistan, and won 6-5 over his opponent. Amoyan beat Finnish representative Johnny Kunari Sarkkine early in the 1/8 round, then defeated   Iranian Amin Kaviyaninejad with a score of 3:0. In the semi-finals, the representative of Armenia lost to Japan’s Nao Kusaka 3-1.
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higienist · 4 months
Mr. M at wrestling camps of the Iranian FS team, Nov'23 - Apr'24
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